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Becoming like a mountain

Becoming like a mountain

You can do this practice with your eyes open or closed. But first read the directions below - then start the timer when you're ready. 1. Bring to mind a beautiful mountain. Maybe it's a mountain that you've seen in real life, or maybe a photo or image. Or it could just come from your own imagination. 2. Look at that mountain. Notice how it is connected to the earth, solid and stable. Notice how it is reaching up to the sky, tall, brave. Imagine the trees and the animals on the mountain. 3. Imagine that you are the mountain. Sit in a way that you feel solid, stable, tall, and brave. Just like that mountain. Imagine the wind and clouds moving around you, but you don't need to react, just let them be. 4. When you hear the chime, slowly bring your attention back to where you are right now.

Topics: anxiety, mood, pain, sensory, stress